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UPDATED: Melaye says policemen attempted to put guns inside his cars



The Senator representing Kogi West Senatorial District in the National Assembly on Friday raised the alarm that some policemen numbering over 20 in two Hilux trucks forcefully entered his compound.

Melaye through his verified Twitter handle, @dino_melaye, also said he recorded the security operatives on camera while trying to put some guns inside some of the cars he parked within his compound.

Some of his tweets read, “They (policemen) have forcefully entered my compound. Cameras (are) recording (their activities). They are trying to plant guns in the cars (I parked) outside. We are watching (them).

“Two Hilux trucks have now blocked my gate with men in mufti numbering (about) 20.

“A man in jallabia (flowing gown) has gone forth and back my street more than 10 times (sic)

“Two trucks with people wearing black (are) in front of Centagon School on Mississippi (avenue) Maitama. (They parked their) Toyota Siena at the entrance of Sangha street, (while another) gold colour Honda accord (car was) roaming the street.

“They have just zoomed off the trucks leaving three men at different ends of my street wearing black

“All entrances to my residence on Mississippi Avenue have been secured by the police that claim (ed) there is (was) no order to arrest me.

“Media and Nigerians take note. We have pictures of those involved,” he added.

The police had yet to arrest the senator as of the time of filing this report.


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In a bid to foster digital literacy and cultivate talent through collaboration, the Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Kashifu Inuwa CCIE, has emphasised the urgent need to work together to review the existing school curriculum and develop a comprehensive one that incorporates digital skills at all educational levels.

The Director General, NITDA, Kashifu Inuwa, CCIE received the Executive Secretary, Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council, Prof Ismail Junaidu during a courtesy to NITDA HQ in Abuja.

According to him, this is in line with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda to create millions of jobs by leveraging digital technologies and achieving a digital literacy rate of 70% by 2027.

Inuwa made these remarks during a meeting with the management team of the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), led by its Executive Secretary, Professor Janaidu Ismail, at NITDA’s Corporate Headquarters in Abuja.

He stated that digital technology has an important role to play in the design of the curriculum, content and processes due to evolution of technology.

This disruptive technology has substituted the way of doing things worldwide of which Nigeria as a country is not to be left behind.

“We must lead in developing a competency-based, outcome-focused curriculum that addresses the demands of the 21st century.

This will enable us to produce a skilled workforce capable of meeting the needs of the Nigerian market and attracting investment from other countries.

Integrating digital skills into the curriculum is crucial for national development and economic growth,” Inuwa stated.

He further asserted that government policies and objectives especially that which relates to sustainable development, 21st century skills, digital economy, creative arts and digital technology will create a pathway for nation building.

Inuwa also explained that things have scaled up to meet up the new normal, like computer precision to digitalisation which is the central focus of the curriculum to provide citizens with the required knowledge and skills and digital technology for growth and development.

In his earlier remarks, the Executive Secretary of NERDC Prof. Ismail Janiadu stated that their institution is charged with the primary responsibility of curriculum development for the country at all levels and this cannot be done without the infusion of digital literacy as a critical area for the development of any country.

The ES noted that the visit was to scale up the existing relationship, partnership and engagement and to explore potential areas that both organisations will have a tie towards national development.

Janaidu added that the institution is also responsible for undertaking and promoting book development, and local authorship for quality assurance, conducting educational research for public policies formulation and implementation and developing Nigerian languages and promote other languages to enhance education delivery and for public use.

The Professor also commended NITDA for its significant contributions to advancing Information and Communications Technology (ICT) across Nigeria.

He praised the Agency’s efforts, which span across almost all states, and highlighted the impact these initiatives have had on driving growth and development.

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Id el Kabir: LAWMA Advocates Proper Waste Management



Id el Kabir: LAWMA Advocates Proper Waste Management



The Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) has urged residents to properly bag and dispose of their waste, especially animal waste, during and after this year’s Id el Kabir celebrations.

Managing Director/CEO of the agency, Dr. Muyiwa Gbadegesin, has noted that comprehensive measures were being implemented to ensure a clean and hygienic environment during the festivities, with service providers working assiduously.

He said, “We have put in place a robust system to manage waste effectively during Id el Kabir. Our goal is to ensure that the celebration is enjoyed in a clean and safe environment. We are working tirelessly to ensure this”.

Gbadegesin reiterated LAWMA’s commitment to addressing improper waste disposal practices that could lead to environmental degradation, encouraging residents to engage only assigned PSP operators and avoid cart pushers, whose activities undermined the Authority’s efforts.

“We urge residents to cooperate with us by bagging and containerising waste generated during and after this period, for seamless evacuation by PSP operators. Cart pushers often dispose of waste indiscriminately, causing environmental harm. We cannot condone their activities, to keep the city clean and safe”, he noted.

The LAWMA boss also admonished residents to shun dumping waste on road medians, canals, uncompleted buildings, and other unauthorised locations, adding that the Authority would provide back-up services for PSP operators, in areas with service gaps, to ensure effective waste management.

He admonished motorists to drive cautiously during the festive period, to safeguard the lives of sanitation workers who would be performing their duties on the streets and major roads across the city.

While wishing all residents a happy celebration, he urged them to contact LAWMA’s toll-free lines at 080000LAWMA (08000052962), 07080601020 and 617, for prompt assistance.

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NDSF’24: Nnamani to speak @Internet Governance for Development



NDSF’24: Nnamani to speak @Internet Governance for Development



The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the most interconnected facility in West Africa, the Digital Realty Nigeria, Engr. Ikechukwu Nnamani, would lead speakers to the 2024 Nigeria DigitalSENSE Africa forum on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Digital Realty Nigeria, formally known as Medallion Data Centres Limited is a Lagos-based number 1 peering point for the region.

Confirming this, the Lead Consulting Strategist, DigitalSENSE Africa, a project of ITREALMS Media group, Sir Remmy Nweke, said that Engr. Nnamani, the immediate past National President of the Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON) would be the guest speaker at the 2024 NDSF on the theme “IG4D: Innovative Digital Economy & Safer Civic Space in Nigeria.”

Nnamani, who was also the former member of the Executive Board cum Treasurer of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA), would join the Executive Director, Media Rights Agenda, and chairman of 2024 NDSF on Internet Governance for Development, Mr. Edetaen Ojo.

Pointing out that the 2024 NDSF on Internet Governance for Development has been confirmed to hold at the prestigious, Welcome Center Hotels, International Airport Road, Lagos by 10am.

Nweke recalled that for over 16 years, Engr. Nnamani has led the Digital Realty datacenter in Lagos, which boosts all submarine cables in the region, long distance providers, metro fiber providers, mobile services providers, fixed services providers, Over-The-Top (OTT) providers, Internet Exchange, Value Added Service (VAS) providers, and global Tier1 service providers, among others.

He pointed out that over 68 per cent of all internet traffic exchanged at the Nigeria Internet Exchange takes place at Digital Realty’s datacenter in Lagos, Nigeria, just as the company recently completed its ultra-modern 1MW IT Load state-of-the-art datacenter called LOS2 in Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.

Also, Engr. Nnamani is reputed for promoting the establishment of telecom infrastructure in several African countries including Ghana, Togo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, and Angola to name a few.

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