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People of Latin America are eagerly waiting with intense interest, excitement and high expectations for Pastor Evelyn Joshua Crusade of Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN scheduled to hold on 11th and 12th of this month at the city of Resistencia in Chaco province of Argentina.

The Argentines are particularly elated for hosting the crusade. The palpability of this could be seen in the fire of their enthusiasm to lend a supporting hand in every way possible for the success of the event.

From the neighbouring countries of Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Dominican, Peru, Granada and Uruguay for instance, people are daily besieging the emergency center at CENTRO CRISTIANO DE AVIVAMIENTO in droves for registration just as large numbers of others from the 48 nations within the Argentine Republic are not left behind in the race for salvation and deliverance.

Alejandro Paz, a teacher, Culture expert and environmentalist, looking at the throng of large predominantly white people at the center said: “I am not surprised to see the massive response to the Crusade because many have now come to realize the spiritual angles to many human problems” .

Besides, he added “the ministry of TBJOSHUA cannot not be joked with here because we all knew the late man of God whose positive impacts in the world and among many of our people as a true man of God remain indelible and we have also seen the continued grace from God radiating from Pastor Evelyn Joshua the now SCOAN leader”.

To Dr. Ceser Joepuin Prieto, a consultant Ganeacologist, “The Argentine Republic is now in the process of restoration. Our President wants to please God and do away with everything that’s antithetical and offensive to God. We Argentines are all set in this regard for a better future of our country and so you can see the congeniality of this crusade for the betterment of our country at this moment”.

It is obviously a time of good harvest for hospitality industries in Argentina.
Our findings show the spring of a better business era for the hotels that are now being overbooked. Some of the hotels are: Howard Johnson, Amerian Casino Gala, Atrium, Diamante, Gran, Marconi, Amudoch Colon, Victorios, Angeluz, Alvear, Boutique Del Pomar, Huerto Ciudad de Fontana, Estancia San Alfonso and Quinta El Descanso among others are all having a high time of guests upsurge as a result of the Crusade.

Mr. Raul Marquez from Mexico is left behind speaking on behalf of Mexicans: “We have high expectations coming for this crusade. People are hungry to receive anointing from Mommy Evelyn Joshua. Only the demented or satanic agents would not see the glory of God in the TBJOSHUA Ministry and the enduring God’s grace in Mommy Evelyn Joshua “.

Santiango Gobel Flugnen from Brazil: “You haven’t seen anything yet from the large numbers of people who I know are coming from Brazil. TBJOSHUA Ministry we all know and cherished; and with the grace we have continued to witness in Evelyn Joshua remains a reference point in true Christendom and God’s love for mankind to be closer and serve in spirit and truth. We in Brazil are praying to have this crusade in our country because we know it’s a blessing “.

Though more of Catholicism than pentecostal genre, residents of Chaco are all united to be part of the Crusade.
Dlfredo Luiz Alcaraz of Mensajero De Sion speaking on behalf of the Christian community in Argentina:

“We the Argentines have been longing to have this crusade ever before the passing of TBJOSHUA. We thank God to have it now because this is God’s time for our land. We are grateful to God for the blessings and turn around that would happen in the lives of Argentines by this crusade”.

Pastor Robert Acosta is a prominent Christian leader in Argentina.
“I believe in God’s agenda and in His time everything is perfect. The man of God before his passing had spoken of this crusade in Argentina. We have been seeing miracles and healing breakthroughs, Holy Spirit and the crusade has not started yet. It’s like you are smelling the wet ground because the big rain is coming”.

Pastor Acosta who described TBJOSHUA in his encounter as an inspiration, model of love, wise counsellor and mentor, pastor and father who God used to lead him right in many decisions and the grace of God upon his life through his guidance is in high spirit of what God is going to do during the crusade and blessings that would follow the crusade.

He specifically emphasized “spiritual open doors by the Holy Spirit that God would use Pastor Evelyn TBJOSHUA to accomplish and leave behind in the land of Argentina”.

Maria Sol, a public servant and secretary to a Government Minister: “we are all excited in Argentina for the crusade. The government will ensure adequate security for the people during a two-day event”.

To hold a crusade by SCOAN in a far away country at this time is not an easy task especially for a Ministry such as SCOAN which doesn’t collect any offerings or money for any support in any country where it’s holding a crusade. Rather SCOAN would go there to bless the land with landmark charity programs across the frontiers of challenges facing the people.

No group of any kind in such a place is ever allowed to raise fund for any kind of support for the crusade. This has been the foundational principle of SCOAN which Pastor Evelyn Joshua would never compromise.

She doesn’t want evangelism to be used as a cover of any kind for materialism or personal advantage ‘if we are following the steps of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and the uncompromising stand of his servant TBJOSHUA, the extension of the grace we are under ” said Evelyn Joshua.

Speaking further on the crusade , Pastor Evelyn Joshua described the train of Crusade to Argentina as “a journey of love” “It’s God’s command for this crusade to hold in Argentina and we have to move in God’s love and pleasure. It’s beyond our control because it’s a God’s project”.

PORTAL DEL CIELO (Door of the heaven) as the name implies in English, the place for the crusade at Resistencia is said to be the largest place of people’s gathering in the entire Latin America.

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The face of apostolic revival is changing in Argentina. A new wind of change, blowing across the entire Latin America’s with the CRUSADE of Pastor Evelyn Joshua of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN just held at PORTAL DEL CIELO in Resistencia, CHACO in Argentina
Portal Del Cielo (door of heaven) as the name of the venue implies became symbolic for the new birth in which over 80’000 predominantly white people that attended the two-day power-packed revival were held spell bond!

Obviously there must have been some intuitive awakening in the people. Twenty four hours before the event, scores of people were already arriving at the premises, spending the night under the outside canopy not minding the 19 degree centigrade of the cold weather gripping the jugular of the land as they couldn’t access the venue till the day of the event.

The expectation is palpably high. The crowd was unimaginable. The venue was filled to the brim.

The surrounding open fields, of about five acres of land, apart from the inside bowl suddenly became an emergency additional overflow for a myriad of people who could neither find a place to sit nor stand inside the main bowl.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua had earlier in her message told the audience about God’s good mission of love for mankind and the wind of change that was about to blow in the country. Touched by the enthusiasm of the crowd who were ardently seeking the face of God, Pastor Joshua assured them that God would never disappoint anyone who genuinely put his or trust in Him.
“A time for God is a time for renewal.

The glorious hour for the turn around in your challenges has come. Get ready for God’s shower of blessings upon your lives and the land”. Pastor Evelyn Joshua stated.

Quoting profusely from the books of Hebrew, Romans, John, Mark and Psalms, the woman of God enjoined the people to yield their hearts to the words of God and make His words the standard for their lives. “You must maintain a close relationship with God and you must be of unconditional love and active faith to flow in God’s will without which you cannot achieve anything from God” she further stated, adding that “without a genuine love, God can never entrust anyone with His power”.

As expected the crusade was a dream fulfilled for the people who were yearning for deliverance, healing, blessings and salvation. In a reminiscence of the penticost, the venue was turned upside down with the rainfall of deliverance for the souls under the demonic grip of Satan, just as healings were taking place simultaneously from several people who were there with various afflictions, diseases including mental cases, paralysis, those in crutches and all forms of challenges whether marital, drug addiction, sexual pervasion, suicidal spirits among others. Several people were violently rolling on the floor, uncountable demonized people were manifesting just as many others were vomiting all evil things in their stomachs with tumultuous and cacophonic noises! Some were energetically hissing or mewing; barking or yelling with all orgies of hubble-bubbles, hullabaloos with ferociously terrifying countenances!

It was really a tough time for SCOAN’S ushers who were almost overwhelmed by the crowd of satanic victims arrested by the Holy Spirit.

Several people from the neighbouring countries such as Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, among others were visibly present.

Hear pastor Willy Gancia with three other pastors from Brazil: “we are happy to witness this move of God here in the hand of Pastor Evelyn Joshua. We thank God for the grace upon her life.

We all knew Prophet TBJOSHUA as a true man of God for we witnessed and had direct experience with him while on earth. Our joy is full. This is a new beginning for the land of Argentina. Thank God that we are partaker of the blessings in this crusade”.

To Fredi Marcel Bianchi from Uruguay: “’we are plenty here from our country to partake of the blessings in this crusade. We know that God is with this ministry of TBJOSHUA and you can see that enormous grace upon Pastor Evelyn Joshua. We in Uruguay don’t want to be passed by. The presence of God here is real; for we can see the moves of the Holy Spirit”.

Monica Yopice, a leader from Chile: “we are quite familiar with this ministry and we know all the devices of Satan against it. We are grateful to God that His holy name has continued to be glorified in SCOAN. Blessed are they that have their eyes clearly open to see God’s presence with the ministry. We are here for the blessings because in every occasion such as this, the blessings of God upon the people cannot be underestimated. We are grateful to God for being here”.

Argentines were particularly happy for the crusade experience as such had never occurred in their land. It was like a national festival as people came from all nooks and crannies for the crusade. Christians and none christians in their thousands were in the crusade. Residents of Resistencia were particularly elated for hosting the crusade which has brought a lot of transformation to the lives of the people.

Guillermo Alejandra a prominent community leader: “This is a great event in our life here. What we could see happening practically was beyond explanation. I am happy to witness the crusade. It’s a blessing for the Argentines”.

A medical practitioner, Dr Elisa Mbango from Angola living in BuenosAires: “I flew down here to partake in this crusade. It’s that directed me to come. God is with Evelyn Joshua. I know coming to attend is a blessing for me”.

A?Pastor Juan Juorez: has this to say: “God is awesome. I am happy this is happening in our land. I thank God for showing us this great mercy. What a great blessing to our land especially at this time.

The Argentine Republic is a country in South America with an area of 2’780’400km. Second largest country in South America after Brazil; the 4th largest in America and the 8th in the world Argentina has its own unsalutory enormous shares in the economic and social problems confronting the world today.

Many dignitaries from all walks of life attended the crusade including Carmel Britto, President of the CHACO Province Chamber of Deputies, Jorge Gomez, a government minister, Roy Nikishch, Mayor of Resistencia, Gracias Pedro Luis, Director or Worship and Affairs, Fernando Tometo, Commissioner of Police, Veronica Liliana Mazzaroly, Minister of Tourism, Lt Col Santiago Villagra, Pablo Mujica, Secretary of Human Development, Javier Pinero, Director of Worship Affairs in Resistencia, Pastors Robert Acosta, Susan Perez, Jorge Ledesma and Alicia Ladesma among several others.

A predominantly Christian country but where the apostolic fire has been in abeyance, Pastor Evelyn Joshua has rekindled hope and lightened the fire of Christian revival not only in Argentina but the entire Latin America’s to the people’s delight. It’s the dawn of a new Christian era.

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The Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN at the weekend held its WOMEN OF GRACE (WOG) inaugural convention at its Egbe-Ikotun international headquarters.

With pomp and pageantry the Women of Grace filled the church to the brim in from within and outside the country to celebrate the virtues of womanhood in Christ Jesus.

A colourful and electrifying event ladened with plethora of local dances, career talks, drama sketches, Bible quiz, motivational talks on ‘building a godly home inter alia, all encapsulated and thematised in the WOG’s choristers special song titled “No Jesus no life”.

Prominent speakers drawn from successful women Christian entrepreneurs both in their home fronts and careers were Mrs Karen Edwards, Evelyn Adedipe, Mary Paul, Joy Oputeh, Oyeronke Adebomi among others who all held the audience in sober enthusiasm and inspired hope.

SCOAN’S leader, Pastor Evelyn Joshua, bubbling with spiritual enthusiasm and holy excitements described the Women of Grace as a dream she really longed for that had finally come to fruition.

Emphasizing the essence of true womanhood in Creation as God’s will for mankind that is fast becoming a caricature today in several quarters she said that “the Foundation of SCOAN’S Women of Grace is in God’s directive to raise women of honor, integrity and godly character of true womanhood “.

She also thanked God for her late husband, the God”s General, Prophet TBJOSHUA for the Foundation of Jesus Christ which he had faithfully, successfully and gracefully built “upon which we are irrevocably and dutifully standing in Grace today.

With copious biblical references in her admonitions especially Proverbs 31 from verse 25, the woman of God stated that grace, strength dignity and honor should remain their armours.

She also expressed gratitude to the womenfolk for their commitment to the church and making the words of God the standard for their lives.

A coordinator for the group Mrs Morenike Jegede described the group as quintessential in God’s will for the woman, “meeting every Friday for Bible studies, prayers either in the church or on Mountain where any challenges faced by members are addressed for their utmost Joy and comfort including in the various skills acquisition’.

Divided into three bands of Deborah, Esther and Queen of Sheba with 15 sub coordinators, the SCOAN’S Women of Grace group has evolved into a well structured organic institution for the passion for the recreation, rejuvenation and invigoration of ideals women of God.

The high points of the event were the presentation of an award of “Woman of Virtues and Resilience” to SCOAN ‘S Leader, Pastor Evelyn Joshua and the Empowerment of nine less Privileged women.

Mrs Olaitan Famakinwa a participant in the program described it as “fantastic”. “It has further inspired hope in women and opened our eyes to a greater and joyful future” she further stated.

Without mincing words, WOG inaugural convention has become a balancing force for the enhancement of sound and healthy total wellbeing both spiritually and physically for the womenfolk and it is obvious that true womanhood is a critical factor to the beauty of the Creation.

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About three thousand youths drawn across different frontiers in gathered together to participate at the weekend for the inaugural Youth Convention at the SCOAN’S headquarters Ikotun-Egbe Lagos under the auspices of TBJoshua Foundation.

With the theme: “Legacy of purpose – investing in a life that outlives us”, the convention also drew various experts from different professions to educate and inspire the youths for laudable lifestyles and greater heights.

Declaring the convention open,
SCOAN leader, Pastor Evelyn Joshua stated that youths are the future leaders and it’s too dangerous not to properly guide the youths in the right paths of life that would engender impactful and purposeful life in the society.

In an age when the youths are facing critical challenges including the miasma of distorted souls where the ethical, social and cultural foundations are being gradually destroyed, Pastor Evelyn Joshua admonished the youths to open their hearts for the transformative and impactful benefits of the convention in the reshaping of their lives for impactful and enviable life in the society.

Legacy of purpose, according to her was an offshoot of the legacies of SCOAN’S founder, Prophet TBJOSHUA to “ensure that the leaders of tomorrow are properly grounded in morals, social, educational, careers and skills acquisition, to guide, encourage and be empowered to be better focused in life”.

She also implored them to be closer to God and let His word be the standard of their lives.

The Director of TBJOSHUA Foundation, Sarah Joshua said the Foundation was established not only to preserve the life and time of the great man of God on earth but also to invigorate and rejuvenate his legacies for a better humanity.

She also stated that 30 youth participants at the convention would be given scholarships as well as in small and medium businesses to be empowered.
Another speaker, Evangelist Ope Adeyeye, spoke glowingly on theme “Legacy of Purpose” and how it perfectly captured TBJOSHUA’s exemplary life, noting: “life on earth is meaningless without a purpose because it’s only a purposeful life that can invent in others that could outlive them.

The Convention which featured music, dance, drama and lots of other captivating activities also featured an ex-cultist who shared the evils of wrong friendships, companionship, and associates that brought to the fore the illusions and delusions of over ambition, fame, power and living above our means and how God’s mercy saved him for other youths to learn in earnest.

One of the most interesting moments of the convention was the panel for discussions. It provided opportunities for questions and answers where the challenges of youths today were critically dissected and demystified.

The forum provided a clear roadmap and guidance for the participants not to go astray in their journeys of life.

Moderated by Woye Olagbaju, a versatile Mining Engineer, it featured important successful professional personalities such as Vimbai, an international media guru, Dr Oluwaseun, Human Resources giant, Moji Oguntoyinbo, a banker of repute, Professor Ade Ayodeji, an educationist, Barrister Deji Olabiwonnu Ikeja NBA branch Secretary and Mrs Nneka on Tourism.

The convention was electrifying with tingling and tantalizing memories of the participant.

To Nike Adeyemi, “it’s wonderful to be here. I enjoyed every bit of it. This kind of program should continue. I hope they would soon organise another one”.

“Every youth in Nigeria need to go for this convention. It’s educative and very inspiring” said Kolawole Shojonwo.

For Ben Olamide, “this is an experience that cannot be forgotten. Very nourishing and enriching. Thank God for TBJoshua and SCOAN. We need more of it in Nigeria”.
In closing, the Convention Principal Organizer, Promise Joshua, expressed gratitude to SCOAN youths in Akure, Ghana and supporters across the world for the event. She expressed optimism of its impacts on the participants assuring them of greater things to come with the future youth convention by the SCOAN which she emphasised “has come to stay”.

SCOAN by this Convention has made a strong statement: that Nigerian youths must not be left in the vagaries and reckless life with the unhealthy social winds blowing across mankind in the world today like sheep without the shepherd. A stitch in time saves nine.

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